Community Partners

We are proud partners of Rehab1! Rehab1 are leaders in the rehabilitation community in providing services that work. With 5 locations across New Brunswick, they are demonstrating to the region why taking care of your body is essential to your wellness.

Core Values:

Team Work – There are no individual victories because an accomplishment is more significant when it’s achieved together.

Positivity – We believe that our collective positivity and heart are the fuel of our company.

Respect – The building block of all interactions and relationships – We aim to make a difference in people’s lives.

Family – It is essential to our company that family comes first. Always.

Growth Mindset – We constantly evolve, we are always looking to improve.

Gratitude – We take nothing for granted and will always be grateful for our special team, our workplace culture, and our opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many.

Are you an organization interested in partnering with Sky Athletics?

Please email or fill out our Contact Us form to get in touch!